Daily Dosage 0004

Self Care Isn’t Selfish

Quote of the day:

  1. A little bit of something we fancy does us good every now and then
  2. ‘If you have the ability to love, love yourself first’ – Charles Bukwoski

As humans most of us have this in-built desire to care for others. I say most of us as there are probably some individuals that run exception to the rule (I’m not quite sure what the medical term is for it all that is currently springing to the forefront of my mind is selfish bastards?!)

For the rest of us who seem to have adopted this caring nature whether that be for our children, our significant others, parents, family members or those who choose to care for others as part of their profession such as doctors, nurses, health care workers, care workers. The most important rule I think you should adopt is that in order to give others the best care you possibly can you must make self-care a priority.

We all know that when trying to care for others on limited sleep, energy and time isn’t easy. I was all too familiar with this when the kids where very young I was working full time stressful job as well as trying to be the perfect mum and often neglected my health as a result.

It’s safe to say that more recently I have been on the receiving end of the care not only from my husband but my parents, friends but also the professional team of doctors and nurses and for that I’m truly grateful. I often see my friends taking care of other family members and I can see the strain on their faces and tiredness in their voices. I would totally do the same if my family was poorly that’s what families do. It’s easy to say but make sure you always make time for yourself. You can’t constantly pour from an empty cup.

  1. Do something for you every day whether that be time out reading, exercising or just relaxing then you will have more time (and patience) for others
  2. Treat yourself you deserve to whether that’s a candle, a bunch of flowers or just a nice hot bath
  3. If you feel like you’re burning out maybe talk to someone and share the load. You will be surprised of what help is out there and who may be willing to share the load

Today, this afternoon I’m feeling tired, but I’ve just had a rest so hopefully will come too in a bit. I’m starting to feel the pressure of writing every day (who would have thought I’d struggle for stuff to talk about!) Your words of encouragement are definitely spurring me on though so thank you for that.

I’ve done my squats and exercise for the day and even treated myself to some bonfire toffee and lollies (because if you know me it’s one of my favourite days of the year). The fireworks lighting up the skies bring back so many fantastic childhood memories. So, enjoy your evenings and if your going to a bonfire take care and be safe. If you’re not maybe just treat yourself to a nice glass of wine or a bath and watch through the window.