Daily Dosage 0006

6th November 2023

Quote of the day;

  1. Communicate. Even when it’s uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways to heal is simply getting everything out – Unknown
  2. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever said? Asked the boy ‘Help’ said the horse – Charlie Mackesy

It’s good to talk

I think there’s something in the family where we all like to have a ‘camp’. Today was a prime example of that. I nipped into town to get some clothes altered then bumped into someone from walking netball, then later my mum, then my cousin and husband then my auntie. There we were all stood around the butchers in the market having a chat about peas, pies and cakes. But that’s why I like where we live so much. When I was working all hours and travelling, I didn’t have time for that and shamefully never really made time for my parents. That’s because we get so caught up in our own lives we sometimes forget about others, well it’s not that we forget we put it off because we’re tired or we’re busy etc.

I’ve come to realise I really couldn’t live in a city where you are just an unknown face. I definitely need to be part of a community and I think a lot of people thrive in close knit communities. In fact, studies have been shown that communities which are closer, interact more and help more tend to live longer happier lives (there is a really good book on this called Ikigai if you want to read).

Now if anyone knows my mum, she can talk to anyone and has been known to talk a glass eye to sleep (ha ha). Unfortunately, I think I have developed this trait much to my husband’s annoyance. I talk to people because I am genuinely interested in how they are doing, feeling and want them to know that I actually care. I don’t do it to strangers because that would be weird but I do smile at them. So, if you see a small lady, possibly wearing headphones smiling at you maybe twitching, don’t panic I’m not about to attack you I’m just being friendly and sometimes that’s all someone needs in the moment.

I think a lot of problems could be solved with a good cup of tea and a chat. I’m always here if anyone wants to talk. If you bore me, I’ll just put my noise cancelling head phones on don’t worry.

Remember you never know what someone is going through so just be kind always whenever you can.

Day 6 100 squats done in the gym

Sausages (veggie ones for me) and sparklers at ours tonight a chat at the table about how everyone has got on today. Simple things

See you tomorrow

X x x