Daily Dosage 0029

29th November 2023

Day 29

It’s day 29 of the 100 squat a day challenge for November. I’ve done my 100 for today and feeling good. The end is in sight which in some ways I will be glad but then in others I will miss. I’ve loved the fact it’s making be consistent however I’m finding it difficult to think of things to write as well as spending the time uploading the finished blog on my page.

Quote of the day

Some people are so poor all they have is money – Bob Marley

To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear’ – Buddha

The importance of ‘Good Health’

I can bet that if you were to ask anyone with a terminal illness what they would wish for it would be something related to their health. To have more time, to be cured. It’s so strange that we all focus our lives so much on wealth having material things, excelling in our careers that when it comes down to it isn’t important. I’ve discovered that the hard way. How many times when your ill has it affected your ‘wealth’ when you’ve not had the ability to work or to go and do things when you are sick. No amount of money can buy that.

Yes, money can buy the material things that can aid your health the treadmills, gym memberships, latest products and supplements. But you can’t physically buy your health no matter how wealthy you are. This is why it’s so important that we look after our bodies. After all they’re the only ones we’ve got and we have to make the most of what we have been given even in the most unfortunate of situations. It can often seem unfair when people have the ability to be fit and healthy and abuse their bodies either by drugs or alcohol or the foods, they it. I often have people say to me ‘why does it happen to nice people’. The things is, cancer and a lot of illnesses don’t discriminate. Anyone could be faced with a life-threatening illness at any time, any age, any place.

All we should do is put our bodies in the best fighting scenario for if it does happen. Don’t wait until you’re ill to do this. Make a change today even if it’s a stretch or a step or eating less sugar. Just start. It’s better to come last than to never start at all

Today my back is still sore but I went to walking netball and enjoyed it. I took it easy as I don’t want to put myself out again but I went. It could have been all to easy not to have gone (which to be honest that’s what I did last night at Battle Cancer). But that rest last night to my back meant I could do today. Because I didn’t go to my class last night, I did go for a walk just to do something. Sometimes when we get injuries it can be frustrating but you should listen to your body (I defo need to improve on this). For me it’s a form of escapism, it helps with my mental health and I like to make myself accountable. There’s only me that’s accountable to my body and my brain and I owe it to them both to give them the best possible chance of survival by doing the right things. Eating right, moving, exercising, reading, meditating, writing. Everything I do is to keep me going, keep improving. Wealth doesn’t even come into it. A lot of the things I do are free. But if I didn’t do them, they would certainly cost me a lot more.

So, if there’s a class or club you’ve been meaning to go to or a walk you want to try, a challenge you want to do or even a home workout if that feels more comfortable just do it. You owe it to your body to at least try for the ones who aren’t privileged to do so themselves.

See you tomorrow