Daily Dosage 0026

26th November 2023

Quote of the day

‘Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them’ – Marcus Aurelius

Today it’s day 26 of the 100 squat a day challenge for November. I’ve done 100 already. All the excitement of doing the Christmas decorations has drained me. The Grinch’s heart has grown! Although this Grinch is slightly miffed off at all the empty Christmas boxes around the house that now go back into the loft. (damn I knew this wouldn’t last!!)

I’ve only got 4 more days of writing to go I’m finding it harder and harder now. The back is barely holding out but on a positive note I put a pair of pants on that I have never worn yesterday. I was going to sell them and buy the same pair in a bigger size so I’ve literally saved myself £30 quid. The squats must be working!

Reach for the Stars

 I have always had a fascination with the stars. At one point I used to have a loft bedroom both at my parent’s house and at my first house. I would love looking out of an evening at all the different stars. I find them amazingly calming and fascinating. I’ve never been an astronomer or astrologist other than reading Mystic Meg in the paper to determine my relationships or whether I should quit my job. Whatever your religion or beliefs, I don’t think you can argue with the beauty of the stars and the planets and what insignificance we are in comparison to these that have existed for millions of years.

One of my bucket lists is to see the Northern lights and to see an aurora. I just love the beauty of the colours. In all the madness in this world to see something so pure and natural would be absolutely a dream come true. Maybe one day I will do that.

I think is a good thing to aim high and ‘reach for the stars. If we don’t dream, how can we have goals and aspirations. If we don’t have goals and aspirations, how can we achieve the impossible. That’s one good thing about being a child they are the biggest dreamers. The skies the limit to then as they’ve not experienced a world with limitations and rules. So next time you look into the sky take a moment to put yourself up there amongst all the stars. Imagine achieving the impossible that only you can dream of and who knows what may be looking down on you in that very moment in time.

Hopefully you’re all having a good evening and have had a good weekend. Thankyou for spurring me on and keeping me going or for just commenting and sharing the end is on the horizon.

See you tomorrow