Daily Dosage 0028

28th November 2023

Quote of the day

‘Make new friends, but keep the old. Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine, age will mellow and refine. Friendships that have stood the test. Time and change are surely best. Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray. Friendship never knows decay’ – Joseph Parry

Day 28

I’s day 28 of the 100 squat a day challenge for November. I’ve done my 100 for today. 

Say ‘yes’ to more things

Today was a day spent well. I went to the Christmas markets during the day with two of my oldest friends (not in age but in friendship terms!). I contemplated on saying ‘no’ as I was tired the night before and to be honest, I was anxious how busy they would be, how would I manage and then if I was struggling would I have to get the train back on my own.

I went and actually had a great time. The markets were pretty quiet as it was during the week there wasn’t too many crowds. We walked around looked at some different stalls bought a couple of mulled ciders, wines, (hot Vimto for me) and just generally had a good time. I even got the kids some chocolate slabs that were overpriced but I brought them back for the kids not that they’ve noticed them yet so I might just keep quiet for a bit!

I am tired after all the walking about. But today was just what I needed spending time with good friends. Doing things, I wouldn’t have even contemplated this time last year. And to have friends who are willing to do that with me knowing I might struggle and it might cause an issue well they are very precious indeed. I have a few friends that always are checking up on me or checking in. These are worth their weight in gold and sometimes I like to check in on them too because we all have stuff going on in our lives. Sometimes the ones that ‘give’ the most need looking after too. It doesn’t take much to send a text or message or to have a brew or go for a walk but to some and to me that can mean a lot. It can be the difference between feeling lonely and loved.

So, if there’s someone you’ve been meaning to check in on and haven’t, please do it tonight. Make a date for a catch up or a brew. Don’t say ‘no’ or put it off say ‘yes’ it might take a bit of effort especially at this time of year when people are busy. But like all friendships and relationships it takes effort on both sides but it can start with just a simple ‘Hi, how are you doing?’

Lessons learnt on saying Yes

  • Sometimes you put mental barriers in your own mind to stop doing the things you could have enjoyed
  • Friendships and relationships take effort put in the work if you want them to work
  • By saying ‘yes’ I have literally looked at a milestone today and honestly quite emotional at how far I have come over the past year. I have put in the hard work and it is paying off!