Daily Dosage 0012

12th November 2023

Quote of the day

1.’If you find something very difficult to achieve yourself, don’t imagine it impossible – anything possible and proper for another person can be achieved as easily by you’ – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.19

We all can do it

Hope you’ve all had a good weekend.  I’ve had a pretty good weekend spent catching up with different friends and resting. Today we went to cheer on my close friends Declan and Jenny doing the Lytham 10K.  When we got there the weather was terrible. I was hoping for a medal just standing outside in the rain and walking to near the finish line (never mind the 10K!)! It was cold, wet and miserable, something which I know really would have affected Dec.

Dec who is registered blind and uses a cane also has ASD (autism spectrum disorder). To do a 10K is an achievement in itself for most people, but to walk the whole thing unaided is absolutely amazing! Jen managed a P.B and I think even she will agree this was definitely by sheer determination and mind over matter, especially as she started at the back with her son Declan.

These two are absolute testament that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.  Jen’s legs looked like two slender tins of corn beef when she had finished the weather had totally battered them. Walking to the pub to seek shelter I felt like I was walking with a tin of spam, I think the mustard wool hat topped it off. The poor girl was shivering and was starting to seize up it had been that cold. Dec was on cloud nine when he finished and rightly so.

We may not always be Olympic athletes and achieve world records but showing others and inspiring them to maybe do things that are outside of their comfort zones now, that is something that you should hold with pride. We can either look at people’s achievements with green eyed jealously and find a million of reasons why we haven’t achieved as much as them or we can look at their achievements as a way of inspiring us in our own lives. Today my friends did that as well as raise a fantastic amount of money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation (somewhere I have benefited from). So, who knows Jen and Dec maybe I might be brave next year and get my corn beef thunder thighs out to do a 10K or do something else out of my comfort zone.  In the mean time I hope you both enjoyed your well earned tea and beers.

If anyone would like to sponsor Declan I’m sure he would be more than grateful
