Daily Dosage 0030

30th November 2023

Quote of the day

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
 Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Day 30

It’s day 30 of my squat and blog challenge for Stand Up to Cancer. That’s 30 days of consistently squatting 100 squats a day, 3,000 squats in total. 30 days of writing I don’t know how many words but a lot.

What have I learned from this challenge;

  1. That you can do anything you set your mind to you just have to make yourself accountable
  2. I can make simple body weight exercises a part of my daily routine even when time is limited, it can be broken down into sections.
  3. I can write consistently although it can drain my energy and then I feel tired
  4. Ste says I take too long to write a blog. My excuse is because I like to put my heart and soul into my writing to make it worthwhile for people to read.
  5. I have built up strength in my weak glute from this challenge.
  6. I can now crack a nut with my arse cheeks which will come in handy over Christmas (I made this one up)
  7. If you write with honesty and positivity people will support you.

To all my family and friends taken too soon. To all my friends who have fought their battles and ones still on their journeys. Whether you share it with others or fight in silence. My words are for you and I will continue to share and live in HOPE for us all.

This is just the beginning

This is not the end, we’ve only just begun

There’s so many battles we still have to overcome

To make sure our suffering, fear and pain

And clinical trails are not all in vain

We need to come together with our knowledge and what we have learnt

So that future generations don’t have to feel the same hurt

Different types of regiments together as one

Joining forces showing how powerful we become

Using our pain and our scars

To fight the same war

And eradicate cancer for once and for all

by Rachel Cummings 30/11/23

Just a quick note……

To everyone that has read one of my blogs (or maybe all) over the past 30 days. To those that have left words of encouragement on my Facebook page or shared them. Thank-you. It has honestly kept me going as I felt a sense of obligation that I didn’t want to let you or myself down. Ste has done his 100 sit ups a day. The kids well I can’t honestly say they have!  

If you have a spare quid or two and would like to sponsor me for this challenge I would be extremely grateful. My just giving page is here;
