Daily Dosage 0002

2nd November 2023

Play to your strengths

In life no matter who you are there will always be things that come natural to you and things that don’t. There maybe things you haven’t yet discovered you’re good at yet because you haven’t tried. That’s the great thing about life having opportunity to try new things and not being afraid to be well pretty sh1t at them at first. Every master was once the apprentice.  

I honestly believe we’re all built to have different abilities and capabilities to add some value to this world. It could be you’re really good at art, baking, sewing, plastering, joinery, science, naturally talented in sport or music there are an endless list of things. Our brains and bodies are so amazing, we are all totally unique.

People who are successful in life (what ever that maybe) will have consistently played to their strengths time and time again. But even successful people will need to continually put the effort in to continue to succeed and become even better version of themselves. This also means you need to acknowledge your weaknesses.

When I think about this I’m often reminded of the scene in The Office where it’s Big Keith’s (the accountant) appraisal and David Brent asks him what are his strengths and he just put ‘accounts’. Then he says under weaknesses you’ve put eczema. I chuckle every time thinking of that. Brilliant programme.

So, here’s a thing I want you to do today write down 5 of your strengths. It can be absolutely anything doesn’t have to be work related it can be something regarding a sport or an emotion or skill. I’d maybe be a bit more specific than Keith though and avoid writing anything regarding any ailments or illnesses out of your control.

Now I want to you to write down 5 weaknesses regarding that strength. I’ll give you an example of a couple of mine;

Strengths: Writing

Weakness; Being consistent, my grammar

Strength: Being kind

Weakness: Over sensitive, worry what others think

Strength: Strong legs

Weakness: Poor balance, mobility and weak glute

If you’re anything like me you will find it harder to write down your strengths and be more critical about your weaknesses. We are often so critical of ourselves we forget all our achievements. Now for the remainder of the month if you can I want you to work on the weaknesses that you have identified even if it’s jut one element. I’m going to try and would love to see at the end of the month if by working on or acknowledging our weakness we also might improve a little of our strengths.

That’s it for today I’ve already ticked off my 100 squats. One of the kids were complaining about a sore back so I’m not holding my breath they will complete today’s challenge but I can’t force them that’s something I am slowly learning and working on. I can’t force others to always do the same as me.

Remember no-one is perfect, we all have our flaws but it doesn’t mean we can’t become better versions of ourselves it just requires a little bit of effort and consistency. Something I’m trying to work on myself

Have a great evening, see you tomorrow x

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