Daily Dosage 0007

7th November 2023

Quote of the day

  1. ‘If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be’ – Maya Angelou
  2. ‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten’ – Tony Robbins

Go your own Way(oh)

Sometimes in life we have to make decisions that feel out of our comfort zone. That can often make us wonder whether we’re making the right choices at all. In fact, so many of us seek for confirmation from others (including myself) as to whether we are making the right choices. It could be a new career, ending or beginning a relationship, moving to a different place, starting a new business or just starting a new hobby or deciding to change something in your life with the hope of making it a better one.

I can’t guarantee that all your choices will end up with the results you wanted. What I can guarantee is that if you make these choices purely on your own then you should be comfortable in the outcome. Noone else is to blame for the choices we make in life and what happens to us. We all make mistakes, but it’s how we learn from them that truly make us better versions of ourselves.

We will always get the same result constantly doing the same thing we have to put a bit more effort in if we really want to change something. After my operation and SRS therapy my physical strength was at an all-time low. I literally struggle to walk some days, getting out the bath unaided was a total challenge. I was tired all the time and on a lot of steroids, I totally struggled with my speech so would often avoid saying what I thought because I knew it would be a struggle (trust me for a woman that likes to chat that was difficult).

I was fortunate that I had the time to prioritise my health and that is exactly what I have been doing. I don’t know exactly what date I started this but I’m so glad I put in the effort. Over the past year or so my fitness has improved massively.  I go to the gym, I’m doing walking netball, I go for walks and even doing a fitness programme (which I will talk about in another blog). With all these other elements of my life have also improved, I’ve lost weight (although this has never been a focus which I’m sure anyone with cancer will relate to). Sometimes your weight can fluctuate due to steroids or tablets. It’s awful especially when you have gerbil shaped face already but it’s there to help you get better and that’s what it did. That and a bit of effort on my side. As well as my fitness my noise sensitivity and speech are also improving. I love it when I see someone and they comment on how much my speech has improved as that is the thing, I am most conscious of. Prioritising my health hasn’t always been easy it’s taken a lot of consistency. Some days are struggle and you feel like your back to square one. Most days I still need a nanna nap to get me through but I do. Ultimately, I want to change and I’m not prepared to go back to where I was not when I’ve come so far.

Those around you who love and care for you, doctors and nurses maybe. These people can help you on your journey but ultimately you have to take responsibility for yourself. No one is going to save you. You need to save yourself.

I’m not prepared to be ‘normal’ whatever that is anyway and neither should you so what ever it is you want to do go for it (starting today)

Day 7 100 squats done I split them up today in blocks of 20

Sorry it’s a bit late for today but I got it done in the end

See you tomorrow

X x x

1 Comment

  1. Catherine
    07/11/2023 / 23:29

    Love this Rach! Very wise xxx

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